are we

MON-FRI from 9:30 to 21:00, SAT, SUN AND HOLIDAYS from 12:00 to 21:00

Picerija Etna Ljubljana Podutik green leaf

Italian with a Slovenian touch


SINCE 1991


Can't resist delicious pizza, prima pasta and many seasonal specialties made from local ingredients? Are you looking for a pizzeria or restaurant with ample parking space right next to the Ljubljana bypass?

Welcome to Etna in Podutik. The pizzeria and Italian restaurant, which also offers excellent Slovenian dishes, is popular for its wide range of delicious pizzas, fresh pasta and other dishes. We also offer a variety of daily snacks and lunches, which are prepared with care and love.

Are you looking for the perfect place to celebrate and socialize? Etna is also an ideal choice for closed groups, celebrations, business meetings and New Year's parties.

We offer an unforgettable culinary experience in a spacious and pleasant atmosphere for all occasions.

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Fresh and local ingredients, dishes prepared with love, reflecting seasonality and top taste.


Slovenia and

Taste Italy in Ljubljana: pizzas, pasta, lunches and snacks for everyday or special moments.


Story and

Traditional Italian recipes and a pleasant atmosphere, where food tells stories and brings guests together.

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Darilni bon

Darilni bon

Podarite trenutek z nami, ker so najboljše jedi zelo preproste.


Mesec ljubezni

Mesec ljubezni

Februar je mesec ljubezni, zato ste ljubitelji dobre hrane in vrhunskih pic vabljeni, da nas obiščete.


World Pizza Day

World Pizza Day

On February 9th, we celebrate World Pizza Day and at Pizzeria Etna we are thinking about celebrating this special day in style! Would you like to come and try a new pizza that is not on the menu?


Redesigned website

Redesigned website

Dear guests, we are pleased to announce that we have redesigned the Pizzeria Etna website to provide you with an even better user experience!


World Pasta Day

World Pasta Day

On October 25th, we celebrate World Pasta Day, a day dedicated to one of the most popular dishes in the world! At Pizzeria Etna, we have prepared an unforgettable culinary event for you, where we will celebrate everything related to pasta.


Guest reviews


Etna je ze nekaj desetletij znana po odlicnih pizzah. Danes sem bila po dolgem casu in ne da so se vedno dobri, zdi se mi, da so pizze se boljse kot so bile vcasih. Pohvalno.

maja bečan, 16.10.2024

Dobro se je tukaj. Postrežba je vedno odlična. Ambijent je tudi zelo dober. Pohvale.

Andrej Legat, 21.08.2024

Bil že nekajkrat, vsakič je bila dobra hrana, zanimive in okusne kombinacije prilagojene koledarskemu času, vedno prijazno osebje, hitra postrežba

Slavko Rozic, 28.05.2024

Prijetna gostilna s prijaznim osebjem. Mesna plošča Etna za dve osebi je bila odlična

Tadej Tomc, 24.05.2024

Bil sem zelo zadovoljen ponuebo ter okusi.
Priporocam obisk pizzerije. Super cene hitra postrezba ter prijazno osebje.

Aleksander Radanović, 25.03.2024

Prijetna lokacija, dobra hrana, prijazna in hitra postrežba. Zelo velike porcije za zelo lačne.

Danica MAKUC, 25.06.2023

Danes smo obiskali to prijetno restavracijo. Osebje prijazno,priporocam rezervacijo. V meniju ogromno ponudbe pizze,testenine,zrezki,piscanec,solte,sladice...... Vsec nam je bilo da si lahko sam izberes vrsto testenin in jo kombiniras z omako po izbiri. Tris kalamarov odlicen,prav tako blitva in krompir. Ravioli ravno prav kuhani in omaka z tartufi okusna. Sedaj pa kremsnita med najbolsimi kar sem jih jedel Naslednjic poizkusimo pice.

Boštjan Kepec, 16.04.2023

Prijazno osebje, hitra postrežba ter najboljša morska pica, bogato ter kvalitetno obložena! 🍕🍺
Se vrnemo :) Prijaznost do otrok. Ob koncu dobila bonbončke.

Jure, 10.12.2022

Še vedno najboljši kalamari daleč naokoli. Tudi ostala ponudba je v redu. Prijazno osebje.

Katarina, 01.05.2022


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